Jordi Alemany Sabater

Personal page to share my hobbies: painting and science

About me….

I would like to share with you my hobbies: painting and science.

With more than 20 years of experience (1997-2023) in the world of art and science, I have achieved my own style that is different from the conventional.

Having gone through schools in Palamos, La Bisbal and Salt (next to Girona), I have come to the extreme of self-taught and with a future open to any expectation and novelty.

More than 500 works available to everyone, you can admire varied series such as forests, figurative, still life… all in watercolor, charcoal, acrylic… Empordà to a great mountain in the Pyrenees.


Published books

I have published four books:

Química teòrica per a consultar
Química- física implicada
Materials didàctics de Física i química (física aplicada)
Física-Química avançades amb apunts personals


My vision of Science.


Publications made in the clearest and most synthesized way possible (numerical language is international). Choose the one you want to visit. They may contain bugs, so if you spot any, please let me know



It is about calculating the lengths of curves starting from the infinitesimal calculation. We know that when the Pythagorean theorem is not satisfied (triangle not right), we use "tensors" and expand the expression to 4 terms.   read more

Montecarlo method

Montecarlo method

a method to dilucidate the tendency to appear a number or another in a casino… read more



Attention to energy also exist for electronic and E, which correspond to the basic study of the atomic theory of Rutherfordcontinued improvement Bohr; we start from... Read more

More about chaos

More about chaos

The observer does nothing more what disturb; in transform Y in a set statistic is it happens a measure the structure dual of the quantum mechanics. Divergence exponential trajectories causes chaos, something different from .Y The arrow of time has associated one...